Friday, 28 September 2007

Counting down to Big Brother

Just dandy! Like life isn't going to be challenging enough in a couple of days, I now have a son who looks like the Sid Vicious of the new millenium on a bad hair day. A came home with the self-confidence of a deluded superhero screaming, "Look Mamma, spikes! Spikes in red.. even PURPLE!"
Thanks soon-to-be-dad-of-two!

Almost Tragic Epilogue
We find A on the way out of the door, scissors and finger paint in hand, planning to cut and colour the hair of the neighbour kids - his faithful disciples. Thats what you could call a timely aversion of tragedy.


Nat said...

'A' vi nakhre soni lagdi...he looks uber-cool!

S said...

yeah, who am I kidding? I'm all mush with lurrve too;-)